Hi! I'm Danielle Harley, a Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher and Nutritionist based in San Diego. I graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Applied Psychology. I grew up with a mentally ill mother and surrounded by addiction. The heartbreak of seeing people I love in so much pain and my strong conviction to not repeat patterns has led me on a decade+ long journey of self discovery and healing. After years of crippling anxiety and an unhealthy relationship with food and my body, I have found the freedom to live a life filled with joy, love and peace. I bring my holistic knowledge of physical, emotional and spiritual health to my healing services to help others release what holds them back. My mission is to assist my clients in facilitating their own healing to also live lives filled with more peace, joy and love. I believe we’re all here on earth to learn how to let go of fear and embrace love.

We’re all just walking each other home.

-Ram Dass