Change your energy, transform your life.

Reiki - 75 Minutes

Recommended for a first session or if you want to add personal coaching to a follow up session. During a Reiki healing, I will work with the energy at each of your chakras. This allows me to share intuitive insights and helps clear energetic blocks. This session can take place in person or virtually.

Reiki - 50 Minutes

Recommended for a follow up session. During a Reiki healing, I will work with the energy at each of your chakras. This allows me to share intuitive insights and helps clear energetic blocks. This session can take place in person or virtually.

Lifestyle Edit

We will work together to optimize your nutrition, daily habits and home products so that you can feel your best. A foundation of physical health supports faster emotional and spiritual healing.

Reiki add-ons

Infrared PEMF Mat - The mat emits frequencies that mimic frequencies found in nature stimulating your body’s natural recovery process paired with infrared heat. The frequencies help counter the unnatural frequencies we are surrounded by in our modern world and induce deeper relaxation.

Oracle Card Pull - A tool for additional guidance, wisdom and inspiration.