Cauliflower “Oatmeal”

chocolate tahini cauliflower oats.JPG

The perfect winter breakfast. It’s high in protein, low in sugar and carbs, vegan, and paleo! It packs all of the nutrients of a smoothie, but it’s warm, cozy and perfect for this chilly Los Angeles winter. If your digestion system isn’t functioning optimally, I recommend focusing more on warmer meals especially first thing in the morning. Cold food and drinks can slow your digestive system down.


  • 1.5 cups cauliflower rice*

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds

  • 1 serving protein powder (I suggest pea protein)

  • 3/4 cup nut milk or water

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • Pinch of salt


  1. Add all ingredients except nut milk and protein powder to a pot over medium-low heat. Add in the liquid 1/4 cup at a time and stir constantly

  2. Keep adding liquid slowly and stirring constantly until you reach your desired consistency. Once the mixture has started to thicken ~8-10 minutes, turn off the heat and stir in the protein powder until well incorporated. You will know it’s done when the cauliflower is soft (no one wants crunchy cauliflower in their fake oatmeal). It should be a gooey, oatmeal like consistency.

  3. You can customize the flavor depending on your mood. In this batch, I stirred in cacao powder with my vanilla protein, and I topped with tahini, chocolate chips, and Maldon sea salt flakes. I also loved adding a big handful of blueberries with vanilla protein to make it blueberry muffin flavored. The sky’s the limit!

*I find that Whole Foods frozen riced cauliflower works best in this recipe because it gets really soft. The Trader Joe’s frozen cauliflower stays slightly crunchier.


My Nutrition Story


Intermittent Fasting