30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

Every morning on my birthday, I journal about things I’m grateful for and what I’ve learned in the past year. I turned 30 back in November, and I made a list of 30 things I’ve learned in 30 years in my journal. 2020 was definitely my year of reconnecting to my spirituality which is reflected in this list. This year has been off to a challenging start for me, and re-reading this yesterday helped me. I hope you will find value in it too!

  1. Cultivate a sense of trust that everything is unfolding in your life exactly as it should.

  2. Never stop striving to be more, yet always remember that you are enough exactly as you are.

  3. Perfection doesn’t exist. Learn to accept and be at peace with good enough.

  4. There are forces in the Universe beyond our comprehension that are conspiring to help us.

  5. You can trust yourself or you can control yourself, but you can’t do both.

  6. Challenging times are a part of life’s curriculum. When you welcome them with open arms, life gets easier and more enjoyable.

  7. Cultivating radical self love is the key to awakening.

  8. Life doesn’t have to be a painful struggle.

  9. You are so supported.

  10. Daily walks can change your life.

  11. Take lots of breaks from technology.

  12. Never take anything personally because it is never personal.

  13. Spend plenty of time alone. Become your own best company.

  14. Accept people for exactly who they are right now.

  15. You can always choose to rise above the negativity.

  16. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have at this moment. Don’t judge their best against your own or vice versa.

  17. Life is supposed to be fun. Don’t take everything so seriously.

  18. You must take 100% responsibility for your life regardless of your circumstances.

  19. We are so much more than our physical forms and transcending your obsession with your body is a key to connecting with the oneness of the Universe.

  20. Trust in the divine order of things, love yourself fiercely and everything will work out.

  21. Do things that make you uncomfortable all of the time. This is how you grow.

  22. Pause and reflect. Change course when necessary.

  23. Do not live in guilt. What’s in the past is done.

  24. Treat everyone with more compassion than you think they deserve.

  25. Stop expecting yourself or anyone else to be perfect, so you can relax and enjoy life.

  26. Listen to the signs that you are regularly receiving and trust these messages.

  27. Make gratitude a daily practice and live from that space.

  28. Trust that your body has infinite wisdom and listen to what it’s asking for.

  29. Love with your whole heart.

  30. Don’t judge other people for behaving differently than you do.


Tapping Into Joy


Holistic Harley Winter Book Club