Habits and Hacks for Better Sleep

Do you want to have fewer food cravings, improve your memory, boost your immune system, feel happier and live longer? If you answered yes, then getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night is your magic pill.

I have struggled to sleep soundly my entire life which also means that I have spent the better part of my adult years experimenting with ways to improve my sleep. These are some of the habits and hacks that make a big difference for me.


1.  Avoid blue light at least one hour before bed as it disrupts melatonin production. I keep red light bulbs in our bedroom lamps to reduce blue light exposure. I also recommend using this hack to change your phone to red light mode at night (scroll down to “How to turn your iPhone on red light mode). Blue light blocking glasses are helpful to have on hand for travelling or if you are looking at a screen.

2.  Our bodies function optimally on a consistent schedule, so it is helpful for your sleep quality to go to the bed and wake up around the same times each day. I also suggest having a nighttime routine to prepare your body for sleep. I like to make herbal tea, turn on my red light lamps, and read until I’m tired.

3.  Getting sunlight on your skin and in your eyes first thing in the morning helps reset your circadian rhythms. Sit outside for your morning coffee or go on a leisurely walk outdoors. I do not recommend strenuous exercise in the morning if you are currently struggling with sleep as it can spike already high cortisol levels, making you hungrier throughout the day and disrupting sleep (also avoid strenuous exercise for three hours before bed).

4.  Moderate your caffeine intake. I try not to consume any coffee after 10am because I am more sensitive to caffeine. Everyone can handle different amounts of caffeine, so I would experiment with what works for you. When my sleep is particularly bad, I cut out caffeine altogether or switch to Matcha green tea.

5.  Alcohol is a huge sleep disruptor. If you are having trouble sleeping, I recommend cutting it out for at least two weeks to see how it impacts your sleep quality. Avoid alcohol 3 hours before bed when you are drinking.

Hacks (Please check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplements!):

1.  Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to help with insomnia. Acupuncture helps relieve anxiety and brings your body back into balance which results in better sleep. You can experience sounder sleep after just one session! I also love my acupressure mat. I will lay on it for about 10 minutes before I go to sleep, and it helps me relax. I will also grab it in the middle of the night if I’m having a hard time getting back to sleep.

2.  I take a full spectrum CBD supplement night before bed. Lately I’ve been taking Gaia Herbs Hemp Full Spectrum Extract 25mg.

3.  A full spectrum CBD supplement will have trace amounts of THC, but some people do better with higher levels of THC for sleep. There are a lot of great CBD/THC products on the market. Start with THC doses 5mg or below for beginners.

4.  L-theanine is one of my favorite supplements. I take 200 mg before bed if I’m having a hard time falling asleep, or I will take it in the middle of the night if I wake up and can’t fall back asleep. L-theanine can also be taken during the day to help with anxiety.

5.  Magnesium is a crucial nutrient for relaxation that is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions to keep your body functioning optimally. I take 300-400mg of Magnesium Glycinate every night. I like the Pure Encapsulations formula.

6. Melatonin can be especially helpful when shifting your sleep schedule like during daylight savings or travel. Our bodies make less than 1 mg of melatonin a day – usually about 0.3 mg, but you will see the standard dose of a melatonin supplement is much higher. I recommended starting with the lower dose to improve sleep quality and increasing if the lower dose isn’t having an impact. I typically recommend taking melatonin as needed instead of relying on it every night as it can interfere with your hormones.

6.  If you are feeling anxious before bed or wake up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts, I suggest doing box breathing until your heart rate normalizes. Box breathing is a super simple breathing exercise where you essentially create a box with your breath. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold the inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold the exhale for 4 seconds and repeat. You can increase the time of each breath and hold (e.g. 8 seconds) if you prefer.

7.  There are many wonderful Chinese Herbal formulas that can help restore quality sleep. Work with your acupuncturist to find a formula that is right for you as there is no one-size-fits-all with sleep support. I personally like Dragon Herbs Codonopsis and Longan formula. Gaia Herbs also makes a great herbal Sleep Maintenance formula. It has Ashwagandha, Magnolia bark, Passionflower, and Jujube date fruit.

8.  Reishi Mushrooms are great for anxiety and insomnia while also keeping your immune system strong. I like the Real Mushrooms brand due to their quality control standards. You can read more about Reishi here.

9.  Humans are meant to sleep in complete darkness as even small amounts of light can disrupt melatonin production. I suggest either investing in black out curtains or a great eye mask. I like eye masks with contoured cups because they protect your eyelashes, and I find them more comfortable.

10. I am super sensitive to noises while I sleep, so I sleep with white noise every night. I typically just use a Vornado fan for white noise. If I’m travelling, I’ll pack ear plugs or listen to a white noise recording on YouTube or Spotify. Pink noise is actually supposed to be superior to white noise for sleep. You can read more about pink noise here.


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