Holistic Harley Fall Book Club

Happy Labor Day Weekend! I can't believe fall is right around the corner. I've been feeling really nostalgic for fall and winter, and I think it's because it reminds me of when the world felt "normal." Here are 10 books I've read this summer that I highly recommend picking up and enjoying with a cozy beverage and a slice of gluten-free pumpkin bread. If you’re looking for more book recommendations, you can check out my previous book club post.

  1. Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown - I think this book should be required reading for the United States right now. We're currently in an us vs. them/if you’re not with us you’re against us mentality. This book makes the point that in this state, we’re missing the opportunity to truly understand and have empathy for each other. How are we supposed to make things better like this? I truly believe that most of us want the same thing which is a better future for ourselves, our children, and humanity. We're just disagreeing on how to get there.

  2. The Four Agreements and Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements is such a powerful book. One of my biggest takeaways from that book is how much more enjoyable our lives can be if we don’t take ANYTHING personally. The Mastery of Love is another powerful (and short) book. It’s a good one to read a few minutes of with your coffee every morning.

  3. To Love and Let Go by Rachel Brathen – I am a diehard YogaGirl fan, so I might be biased but I LOVED this book. It is beautifully written and almost unbelievable at times. You will probably cry through most of the book, and you will gain a new appreciation for the beauty and horrors of life that we all experience as human beings.

  4. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi – This book is incredible and was named one of Oprah’s Best Books of the Year. If you buy this on Kindle, make sure you google the family tree as you will need to reference it often. She just released a new book Transcendent Kingdom that is on my list too. “Ghana, eighteenth century: two half sisters are born into different villages, each unaware of the other. One will marry an Englishman and lead a life of comfort in the palatial rooms of the Cape Coast Castle. The other will be captured in a raid on her village, imprisoned in the very same castle, and sold into slavery. Homegoing follows the parallel paths of these sisters and their descendants through eight generations: from the Gold Coast to the plantations of Mississippi, from the American Civil War to Jazz Age Harlem. Yaa Gyasi’s extraordinary novel illuminates slavery’s troubled legacy both for those who were taken and those who stayed—and shows how the memory of captivity has been inscribed on the soul of our nation.”

  5. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari – You have probably heard of this book by now and for good reason. It is a captivating tale of the history of homo sapiens. It will help you better understand how and why humanity got to where we are today for better or worse.

  6. Untrue by Wednesday Martin – This book is a fascinating read that will challenge many of your long-held beliefs about female desire and sexuality.

  7. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson – A Return to Love is Marianne Williamson’s reflection on the principles from A Course in Miracles which is a self-study spiritual thought system but not a religion. I’m on my second round of reading this book, and it is of my favorite books to read in the morning as a spiritual devotional.

  8. Sacred Cow by Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolf – This book unpacks why red meat has become a scapegoat for the poor human and environmental health predicament we currently find ourselves in. It makes the case for how better meat and regenerative farming can help us fight climate change and improve our health.

  9. Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes – A Reese’s book club pick that you won’t want to put down. Based on a true story, it is an empowering feminist tale that will make you appreciate books and our access to information.

  10. Untamed by Glennon Doyle – I think this was the book of the summer. Most of my friends have read this book and every single one LOVED it.  I read her previous memoir, Love Warrior, before this book. While it is not necessary to read to understand this book, I highly recommend starting with it. Untamed is about trusting yourself and being willing to disappoint others but never yourself. One of my favorite quotes from this book that I find very relevant to issues with food and body image is, “I quit spending my life trying to control myself and began to trust myself. We only control what we don’t trust. We can either control our selves or love our selves, but we can’t do both. Love is the opposite of control. Love demands trust.”


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