Healing Heartburn Naturally

Contrary to popular belief, heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD are typically caused by too little stomach acid rather than too much.

Stomach acid helps break your food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed, and it is a key part of the digestive process functioning correctly.  Stomach acid is required for nutrients (such as the amino acid components of proteins as well as vitamins and minerals) to be digested and absorbed. If you are not secreting enough stomach acid, you are not able to properly break down proteins into amino acids. Many of our neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin are synthesized from amino acids, so low stomach acid could be contributing to your anxiety and depression. Another common consequence of low stomach acid and the resulting poorly digested food is gas and bloating.

Stomach acid also helps keeps the stomach sterile because most bacteria cannot survive in a highly acidic environment like the stomach.  This protects us from food-borne illnesses and helps keep the balance of bacteria in the small intestine healthy. If you are susceptible to food poisoning, it could be a sign that you do not produce enough stomach acid.

You might be wondering if stomach acid is so important then what causes acid reflux? When stomach acid is low, food sits in the stomach for longer and the increased abdominal pressure causes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to open when it’s not supposed to. Normally, the LES only opens to permit swallowed foods and liquids to pass into the stomach, but in the case of acid reflux it opens and lets acidic juices to make their way back up the esophagus where they don’t belong. Even the smallest amount of stomach acid outside of the stomach will cause a burning sensation and over the long term can cause permanent damage.

Why do acid blocking drugs work if they’re solving for the wrong problem of too much stomach acid? Acid blocking drugs provide relief because they neutralize the acid in your stomach and when the LES opens and releases food back up the esophagus, it is no longer acidic. While this provides relief from symptoms and can protect the esophagus from damage, it is really a band-aid that is causing you more harm than good. As I mentioned, stomach acid is essential for proper digestion and if you are neutralizing already low stomach acid, you are not properly digesting any of your food. Although you might be eating a healthy diet, you will be deficient in important vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which has far reaching health consequences.

The good news is that there is a way to get rid of acid reflux naturally by increasing your stomach acid production. Supplementing with HCL and Pepsin is my preferred method. I recommend working with a practitioner to learn how to safely transition off antacid medication and find the proper dose for HCL supplementation. You can also try digestive bitters 15 minutes before meals if you want to start with something gentler. I like the Urban Moonshine brand.

You might now be wondering, if there’s an easy way to heal acid reflux naturally why don’t more people know about this? The antacids market was worth 4.92 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach 6.15 billion by 2024. The pharmaceutical industry has a clear vested interest in keeping us reliant on acid blockers.

Wright, J.V. & Lenard, L. (2001). Why stomach acid is good for you. Lanham, Maryland: M. Evans


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