My Morning Routine

Over the last few months, I have been focused on creating a positive morning routine. It helps give me a sense of structure and grounded-ness in the morning, so I start my day from a place of calm. Depending on how much time I have, this routine can take me from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. This is my ideal morning routine, and it certainly doesn’t happen every day. However, I make an effort to do at least one or two things from this list every single day before I look at my phone or start working.

  1. A great morning starts with a good night’s sleep. Check out my post of sleep habits and hacks to help you get better sleep.

  2. Hydrate! I start my morning with a big glass of room temp water and Quinton minerals. These minerals are amazing, and I immediately feel more energized. You can also add a pinch of Celtic or Himalayan salt or an electrolyte solution like Lyte Show to your water if you sweat often or eat lower carb. You need proper mineral balance to remain adequately hydrated.

  3. It’s best for your cortisol rhythms to wait to have caffeine a full 90 minutes after waking up, so if you can do this more power to you. But I like a caffeinated bev soon upon awakening. Lately I’ve been boiling water, and I will make a cup of herbal tea and coffee in a French press. I’ll drink the herbal tea first and then drink my coffee to give my body more time to wake up naturally. I usually have mold-free coffee (Bulletproof and Kion are two trusted brands) in a French press, or I have MatchaBar matcha powder. The high tannins in matcha can make your stomach hurt when drank on an empty stomach, so I add in 1/4 cup almond milk or 1-2 tbsp full fat coconut milk if I do a matcha.

  4. While I’m making my morning beverage, I listen to the YogaGirl Daily or Optimal Living Daily podcast. They’re 5-8 minutes long and a positive way to start the day. There’s plenty of other short daily podcasts if those aren’t your vibe.

  5. I bring my water and caffeine outside (or back to bed) and read for about 30 minutes. It is helpful for your circadian rhythms and sleep cycles to get some morning sunshine. I like to read self-help books in the morning to start my day in a good headspace. Reading everyday too also allows you to see how you’re feeling/concentrating that day. Sometimes I feel laser focused and sometimes a little more scattered. If I’m feeling scattered that’s a sign I would benefit from a meditation... but let’s be honest, I do not always do this. When I do, I’m always happy I did! The YogaGirl Daily podcast has a new meditation every Wednesday.

  6. After reading, I change into workout clothes and do a short work out. It’s usually 10-30 minutes of YouTube workouts. Lately I’ve been liking Sami Clarke, Pamela Reif, Madfit, and Boho Beautiful.

  7. A few of my friends and I have a group text where we share 3 things we are grateful for every morning with each other, so I text my “gratefuls” after my morning workout.

  8. If I’m hungry at this point, I’ll eat a quick breakfast. Lately I’ve been mixing Nuzest Vanilla protein with enough flax milk to form a protein “pudding.” I top that with berries, nut butter and a drizzle of honey. This is a good alternative to a smoothie bowl if you have slugglish digestion. Cold foods especially first thing in the morning slow down digestion. If I’m not hungry, I’ll start working and eat when I feel hungry.


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